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doting cove造句

"doting cove"是什么意思  
  • Just seven years later the population had reached 102 in Doting Cove.
  • In the 1900s Doting Cove was a supporter of the Fisherman's Protective Union and by 1912 a Union Trading Co . store was opened there.
  • However the Salvation Army made converts in Doting Cove first in the 1890s and the majority of Doting Cove's population became Salvation Army by the 1930s.
  • However the Salvation Army made converts in Doting Cove first in the 1890s and the majority of Doting Cove's population became Salvation Army by the 1930s.
  • "' Doting Cove "'had its first settlers by 1850, some of the families were the Abbotts, Cuffs, Haywards, Hickses, and Moulands.
  • The 1911 " census " records Doting Cove's population as 458 and Ragged Harbours as 49 . Since Doting Cove, Ragged Harbour and Musgrave Harbour were incorporated their population has remained near 1000 throughout the 1900s.
  • The 1911 " census " records Doting Cove's population as 458 and Ragged Harbours as 49 . Since Doting Cove, Ragged Harbour and Musgrave Harbour were incorporated their population has remained near 1000 throughout the 1900s.
  • It's difficult to see doting cove in a sentence. 用doting cove造句挺难的
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